About Us

Facts &Potentials Magazine is a monthly and an upbeat magazine which propels grassroots achievers, educate and inform the grassroots about various projects that have been executed in their environment towards sustaining nation building cum development in the edge of actualizing the millennium developmental goals. We are positioned not only to propel the achievers, but also to celebrate the achievers (men & women who have affected their communities positively and have made a mark on the sands of time) at the local levels through spotlights, supplements, special features etc.

Our vision is borne out of desire and sincere need to propel grassroot achievers and bring about lease approach to journalism by stamping out the influx calumnious publications.

Our mission is to celebrate the immeasurable contributions of individuals, organization and institutions to the nation because of our tenacious bid is to project the common man to greater heights, whereby showcasing his successes articulating them and communicate back to the reading public.

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